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Azure Active Directory

The RTDIP SDK includes several Azure AD authentication methods to cater to the preference of the user:

  • Default Authentication - For authenticating users with Azure AD using the azure-identity package. Note the order that Default Authentication uses to sign in a user and how it does it in this documentation. From experience, the Visual Studio Code login is the easiest to setup, but the azure cli option is the most reliable option. This page is useful for troubleshooting issues with this option to authenticate.

Visual Studio Code

As per the guidance in the documentation - To authenticate in Visual Studio Code, ensure version 0.9.11 or earlier of the Azure Account extension is installed. To track progress toward supporting newer extension versions, see this GitHub issue. Once installed, open the Command Palette and run the Azure: Sign In command.


The following section describes authentication using Azure Active Directory..


</b>If you are using the SDK directly in Databricks please note that DefaultAuth will not work.<br />

1. Import rtdip-sdk authentication methods with the following:

from rtdip_sdk.authentication import authenticate as auth

2. Use any of the following authentication methods. Replace tenant_id , client_id, certificate_path or client_secret with your own details.

DefaultAzureCredential = auth.DefaultAuth().authenticate()
CertificateCredential = auth.CertificateAuth(tenant_id, client_id, certificate_path).authenticate()
ClientSecretCredential = auth.ClientSecretAuth(tenant_id, client_id, client_secret).authenticate()

3. The methods above will return back a Client Object. The following example will show you how to retrieve the access_token from a credential object. The access token will be used in later steps to connect to RTDIP via the three options (Databricks SQL Connect, PYODBC SQL Connect, TURBODBC SQL Connect).


Once authenticated, it is possible to retrieve tokens for specific Azure Resources by providing scopes when retrieving tokens. Please see below for examples of how to retrieve tokens for Azure resources regularly used in RTDIP.

access_token = DefaultAzureCredential.get_token("2ff814a6-3304-4ab8-85cb-cd0e6f879c1d/.default").token


RTDIP are continuously adding more to this list so check back regularly!